Athletic Schedules on the Internet
Bring on the PURPLE THUNDER!  
Below are the places you can locate our FG Eagles High School and Middle School athletic schedules online:

FROM THE SCHOOL APP: on your phone under District, High School, Middle School and Athletics Menus (the building symbol in the upper right corner) then go to Menu (three lines in the upper left corner) > Athletic Schedules (at bottom of the list) then select your sport.  You will need the Google Sheets app on your phone to view the schedule documents:

FROM THE SCHOOL WEBSITE: on your computer on the District, High School, Middle School and Athletic sites:

Links on each of the bulletin board areas:

Links on the Menus of each of these sites:

Below is a handy one page summary of the Fall Sports for your reference (the document below is a static .pdf document and does not reflect changes made to schedules throughout the season... the other links will show changes as they are made by Mr. Overstreet):

CLICK HERE FOR A PRINTABLE .pdf format of the summary schedule