A message from Principal Stallings

Dear Parents and Guardians,

It is my sincere hope that you are doing as well as possible given the current situation. We greatly appreciate your flexibility and your role in helping promote learning in this new environment. Our teachers are working very hard to do the best they can but we know this still creates a new set of responsibilities for you. We do not lose sight of how valuable you are in this process. 

We understand that internet is not a given and many of you are limited. We are asking our teachers to prepare learning materials for two audiences- those who choose to receive instruction virtually through an online platform and those who want/need to receive learning materials in the form of a hard copy to be delivered to your house. I know some of you have already communicated this information to a few teachers and I will record your name but to be certain we get everyone I would ask that you contact me as well. If you are requesting to receive learning materials in the form of a hard copy please email stallingsc@fgsmail.org or by calling and leaving a message in the HS office at 759-2554. Packet delivery will begin next Wednesday. 

Additionally, if your child has items in the school such as books, clothing items and band instruments there will be a drive through pick up time on Tuesday from 6-7. Please email stallingsc@fgsmail.org if you plan to be here and an approximate time of arrival. We will have staff members who will greet you at your car and then pick up the items and deliver them to your car.    

Finally, we ask that you encourage your child to be checking their school email. This is our lifeline to them right now and the only way to get them information without overwhelming you the parent with text message alerts. 

We want to communicate that even though our doors are closed we are readily available to assist the parents and students of this community in any way possible. Please let us know if there is anything that we can help with as we navigate through these unprecedented times. 

Chris Stallings

HS Principal